Kevin A. Broughan
Office: |
G3.27 |
Email: | |
Address: |
Emeritus Professor Kevin Broughan
Mathematics and Statistics
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
New Zealand
Web: |
Phone: |
+64-7-838 4713 (CMS School Office) |
Image Credit: |
Jackie Broughan, Rio de Janiero, 2018. |
General: |
Climate Change: |
- Climate change links. It includes
climate change news from the main stream international media, a selection of Ted talks, visualizations from
major institutes, Wikipedia links, and descriptions of some introductory expository books.
- The James Hansen, Michael Mann global warming rate disagreement. Links giving the main
articles and reports on this work by Hansen and his coauthors with results which appear to show global warming is increasing
faster than originally thought, disputed by Mann.
- Data Science/Machine Learning Links. Curated links giving an overview introduction (with videos), tutorials, a survey and some more advanced materials relating to fluid flow applications.
- Climate Change Adaptation. A small set of links for greenhouse gasses, coal burning, contactless drilling and methane emissions reduction techniques.
- Sea level rise. Links to sites giving current and future estimates for sea level from the UN, NASA, NOAA, NIWA, the IPCC and Wikipedia.
- Effects of heat stress. Links to information on the degree of local warming and effects of added heat stress on humans from NASA, Copernicus, WHO, MPH, and articles in the Lancet, Procedings of the National Academy of Science, and Environment International.
- Climate change modelling. So far there are included energy balance modelling, descriptions of some books on geophysical fluid dynamics and on climate change modelling, some equations for geophysical fluids and some numerical methods for geophysical fluids. In addition there are sources of data and viewers for climate modelling, an overview of information and examples regarding the Julia language, the CliMA project, Oceananigans, and ClimaOcean.
The last two topics include representative climate modelling examples using the CliMA packages.
Important note: the CliMA section is under revision to make it able to better survive the changes which occur as Julia, CliMA and its dependant packages evolve.
Equivalents of the Riemann hypothesis
Bounded gaps between primes: the epic breakthroughs of the early 21st century
Other Research materials: |
Software my students and I have written: |
- RHpack: software for
"Equivalents of the Riemann hypothesis, Volume One: Arithmetic Equivalents" (CUP - 2017).
- GRHpack: software for
"Equivalents of the Riemann hypothesis: Volume Two: Analytic Equivalents" (CUP - 2017).
- GL(n)pack:
software for "Automorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n,R)", Dorian Goldfeld, (CUP - 2006).
- PGpack: software for "Bounded gaps between primes: the epic breakthroughs of the early 21st century" (CUP - 2021).
- f2cl: software to translate a class of
Fortran77 programs to Common Lisp, with Diane Koorey Wilcock.
- Senac: a software environment for numeric and algebraic computation, with Steve Galbraith, Marty Glanvill, Diane Koorey Wilcock,
Wayne Schou, Richard Shepherd, and Nan Zhou. Includes algrebraic algorithms, Risch Integration, a symbolic
numeric interface to the NAG Library, Numerical Recipies, finite elements etc.
Senac is now in recess.
Links I find useful: |
Courses I have taught: |
Images I have taken: |
Art Links: |
Other stuff: |
Last modified: 14th February 2025.