- Title: Earth's Climate: past and future
- Author: William F. Ruddiman
- Year: 2013
- Publisher: W. H. Freeman
- Pages: 464
- ISBN: 978-1429255257
- Amazon.com: Link.
- Contents: This is another richly illustrated and quite comprehensive introduction to climate change. It has a strong focus on our climate's historical evolution including tectonic plate movement induced changes, earth orbit variations, and the pattern of ice-age, interglacial variations. It has extensive qualitative descriptions of how climate data archives are built, the state of our current climate with a concentration on heat fluxes, earth's greenhouse and icehouse states. The book is divided into 5 parts and in the final part the author discusses climate change from preindustrial times to the present. One chapter, the final one, is devoted to possible future climatic change.