Climate Change Modelling

This page includes links to a selection of documents on aspects of climate change modelling. If you were starting out in this field, motivated by our extreme existential challenges for example, then you would be confronted by a bewildering set of background theories and skills. If you wanted to explore models and took a look at some online sources, you would find thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of lines of mostly FORTRAN code. If you were well qualified in one of the background disciplines and, because of position requirements for example, needed to deal with parts of such a code, then the road ahead would be at least bewildering.

Groups of staff and students at MIT, CALTEX and JPL, together with others, understood these issues and decided to build a new climate modelling system from the ground up. The young language Julia, invented at MIT, has many desirable features including a growing list of scientific computation packages, easy to use parallel computation syntax, well adapted to using graphics processing units (called GPUs but really parallel processing units). In addition, and very importantly, Julia has an interactive user interface with a highly simplfied, functional, user interface. This reduces the time taken to learn and test features. There is a "just-in-time" compiler built in, so no compile-link-execute work flow.

So even though the young age of Julia is a disincentive - it makes the advent of new features and changes to existing features more frequent - MIT/CALTEX/JPL/+ took the step of creating a joint project named CliMA which would be written entirely in Julia.

Note to the reader: you don't need to follow all of these links - that would mean replacing one insuperable task by another. Think of them as options. The most important aspect is to find material, for example a book , which you can relate to and grow in understanding of aspects of climate change. Some links will be for reference, i.e. to be consulted according to need.

To come: a set of representative examples of using CliMA Julia code to model aspects of climate change. To follow these examples it might be helpful to sometimes refer back to these links and notes.

Corrections, comments and suggestions are very welcome - there is a lot of detail where errors and misunderstandings creep in. Please email me

6th October 2024: fixes made to some malformed links.

15th October 2024: added examples for Oceananigans and one for ClimaOcean.

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Sources of Data and Viewers for Climate Modelling:

There are dozens of sites on the web with access to data for climate change. This is bewildering since links are opten stale and time periods limited. I have chosen a small set which should continue to be well supported and documented. The user may require free registration to download data. There are frequently interactive data visualizations available, specialized for a given site. An exception is NASA's These viewers could be useful for data exploration before taking the step of building calls to functions say in CSV.jl or netCDF.jl - see the pages on Julia below.

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Some equations and approximations for geophysical fluids

  1. Constants
  2. Variables
  3. Equations for air and sea water
  4. The Boussinesq approximation
  5. Spherical coordinates
  6. Perturbed oblate spherical coordinates
  7. Reynolds averaging of the flow equations
  8. Earth system models of intermediate complexity
  9. Boundary conditions
  10. Scales
  11. Dimensionless numbers
  12. Planetary waves
  13. Geostrophic flows
  14. Barotropic flows and the shallow water (or air) equations
  15. Quasi-geostrophic flows

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Numerical Methods:

  1. Definitions
  2. Modelling errors
  3. Methods for the approximation of derivatives
  4. Finite volume approximations
  5. Von Neumann stability analysis for turbulent flows
  6. Inversion of large sparse matrices arising from implicit methods
  7. Advective and diffusive flows in 1D
  8. Highly diffusive flows in 1D
  9. Finite volume and leapfroging for purely advective 1D flows
  10. Initial and boundary conditions for the leapfrog method for advective 1D flows
  11. Stability analysis for the leapfrog method for advective 1D flows
  12. Upstream upwind or donor cell method
  13. The Lax-Wendroff method
  14. The Crank-Nicholson method
  15. 1D Advection and diffusion with a source/sink term
  16. 2D Advective flows - double 1D discretizations
  17. Operator splitting methods for 2D advection - Strang splitting
  18. The discrete Poisson equation
  19. Jacobian evaluations

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The Julia Language:

The first two links are for someone who wants to decide whether Julia is a language they wish to persue in more detail. This is best done by installing the (open source) code and then trying the tutorial, checking back with the manual as needed.

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Examples for Oceananigans.jl and ClimaOcean.jl:

This set of examples, taken from the github repositories, will grow in time. The reader can dive into the Julia code, look at the adjusted code or go carefully through the expanded documentation. Familiarity with Julia is essential. The links to the code, adjusted code and documentation are given here. NEW:

Last modified: 15th October 2024.