- Title: Global Climate Change: a convergence of disciplines
- Author: Arnold J. Bloom
- Year: 2009
- Publisher: Sinauer Associates
- Pages: 398
- ISBN: 978-0878930272
- Amazon.com: Link.
- Contents: This well written and beautifully illustrated book was one of the first I read on climate change. It covers the field including the history and causes of Earth's climate, modelling, biological effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, mitigation strategies especially for transport and the generation of electric power, the economics and legal aspects of climate change, and impacts on human kind.
It was this book that led me to see the impact of coal burning power stations on the continued increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Although PDEs are quoted, there is little application and little causality. However, this does not in any way detract from the value of Bloom's book, which should be regarded as an essential classic (if you manage to get hold of a copy).